Re: [whatwg/fetch] Treat resources requested via FTP as binary data. (#839)

mikewest commented on this pull request.

>   <dt>"<code>ftp</code>"
-  <p>For now, unfortunate as it is, <code>file</code> and <code>ftp</code> <a for=/>URLs</a> are
-  left as an exercise for the reader.
+  <p>For now, unfortunate as it is, <code>ftp</code> <a for=/>URLs</a> are mostly left as an
+  exercise for the reader.
+  <ol>
+   <li>Let <var>body</var> be the result of the user agent obtaining content from
+   <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a> from the network via FTP [[!RFC959]].
+   <li>Let </var>mime</var> be "<code>application/octet-stream</code>".
+   <li>If <var>body</var> is the result of the user agent generating a directory listing page for
+   the result of FTP's LIST command, then set |mime| to "<code>text/ftp-dir</code>".


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