Re: [whatwg/encoding] Add Streams support (#72)

Here's my attempt at descriptive sample code:

Constructor version:
const decoder = new TextDecoder('shift-jis', {fatal: true});
fetch('data').then(response =>
// Even if 'data' ended in the middle of a character, it makes no
// difference to decode().
console.log(decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x81, 0x5a]))); // 〇

Static method version:
const decoder ='shift-jis', {fatal: true});
fetch('data').then(response => {
// decoder only has 'readable' and 'writable' properties.
console.log('decode' in decoder); // false

It's difficult to capture all the differences in semantics in a short snippet. Let me know if you think we need more/less.

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