Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Improve service worker script caching and update (#1283)

mattto commented on this pull request.

> -            1. Else, return a <a>network error</a>.
+        1. If |serviceWorker|'s [=service worker/script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]] [=map/exists=], return [=service worker/script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]].
+        1. If |serviceWorker|'s [=state=] is *installed*, *activating*, *activated*, or *redundant*, return a [=network error=].
+        1. Let |registration| be |serviceWorker|'s [=containing service worker registration=].
+        1. Set |request|'s [=service-workers mode=] to "`none`".
+        1. Set |request|'s [=request/cache mode=] to "<code>no-cache</code>" if any of the following are true:
+            * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/update via cache mode=] is "`none`".
+            * The [=current global object=]'s [=force bypass cache for importscripts flag=] is set.
+            * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400.
+        1. Let |response| be the result of <a lt="fetch">fetching</a> |request|.
+        1. If |response|’s <a for="response" href="">cache state</a> is not "<code>local</code>", set |registration|’s [=service worker registration/last update check time=] to the current time.
+        1. [=Extract a MIME type=] from the |response|'s [=unsafe response=]'s [=response/header list=]. If this MIME type (ignoring parameters) is not a [=JavaScript MIME type=], return a [=network error=].
+        1. If |response|'s <a>unsafe response</a>'s [=response/type=] is not "<code>error</code>", and |response|'s [=response/status=] is an <a>ok status</a>, then:
+            1. Let |newestWorker| be the result of running [=Get Newest Worker=] with |registration|.
+            1. Let |resource| be null.
+            1. If |newestWorker| is not null, set |resource| to |newestWorker|'s [=service worker/script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]], or null if it does not [=map/exist=].

I'm a bit confused by this, it makes it look like importScripts() in one service worker (`serviceWorker`) is affecting the state of another service worker (`newestWorker`), which I thought #1041 decided was wrong.

> +            * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/update via cache mode=] is "`none`".
+            * The [=current global object=]'s [=force bypass cache for importscripts flag=] is set.
+            * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400.
+        1. Let |response| be the result of <a lt="fetch">fetching</a> |request|.
+        1. If |response|’s <a for="response" href="">cache state</a> is not "<code>local</code>", set |registration|’s [=service worker registration/last update check time=] to the current time.
+        1. [=Extract a MIME type=] from the |response|'s [=unsafe response=]'s [=response/header list=]. If this MIME type (ignoring parameters) is not a [=JavaScript MIME type=], return a [=network error=].
+        1. If |response|'s <a>unsafe response</a>'s [=response/type=] is not "<code>error</code>", and |response|'s [=response/status=] is an <a>ok status</a>, then:
+            1. Let |newestWorker| be the result of running [=Get Newest Worker=] with |registration|.
+            1. Let |resource| be null.
+            1. If |newestWorker| is not null, set |resource| to |newestWorker|'s [=service worker/script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]], or null if it does not [=map/exist=].
+            1. Set |serviceWorker|'s [=service worker/include updated resources flag=] if any of the following are true:
+                * |newestWorker| is null.
+                * |resource| is null.
+                * |resource|'s [=response/body=] is not byte-for-byte identical with |response|'s [=response/body=]. 
+            1. [=map/Set=] [=service worker/script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]] to |response|.
+            1. Set |serviceWorker|'s [=classic scripts imported flag=].

Generally, I'm a bit confused what about the meaning of `include updated resources flag` and `classic scripts imported flag`. Could you help me understand what they are doing?

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