[w3c/ServiceWorker] should blob URLs inherit controller from parent environment or environment that called `createObjectURL()`? (#1261)

Currently the spec says:

>When the request’s url is local, if the service worker client's responsible browsing context is a nested browsing context or the service worker client is a worker client, the service worker client inherits the service worker registration from its parent browsing context’s environment or from the environment of a Document in the service worker client's global object's owner set, respectively, if it exists.

Is this correct for a situation like this?

// script running in window foo.com/uncontrolled.html
// no controlling worker

// register a service worker
let reg = await navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js', { scope: './controlled' });
await wait_for_State(reg.installing, 'activated');

// create a frame controlled by the SW
var f = await with_iframe('./controlled/frame.html');

// The controlled frame creates a blob:// URL
var blobURL = f.contentWindow.makeBlobURL();

// Create a worker from the blob URL.
// Should the worker be controlled by the frame's SW or uncontrolled?
// Spec currently says uncontrolled.
var w = new Worker(blobURL);

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