Re: [whatwg/xhr] final readystatechange (readyState === 3) (#161)

Chrome's algorithm is:
- when a new chunk arrives before 50ms passes since the last chunk for that we dispatched a "progress" event, we schedule dispatching of a "progress" event after the 50ms passes.
- when the end of data is signaled with such a scheduled dispatching pending, we flush it to dispatch a "progress" event before dispatching a "readyState" event followed by "load" and "loadend".
- unless there's such a scheduled-but-pending dispatching, we don't fire any "progress" event on the end of data signal, but only "readyState", "load" and "loadend".

Right, this is different from what the spec says.

I remember that we had some discussion before and the following bug is one of them I think. But I don't remember whether we had any further discussion since that.

We also had some discussion regarding the corner case handling around dispatching of DONE.

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