Re: [w3c/gamepad] spec vibrationActuator gamepad extension (#68)

nondebug commented on this pull request.

> +        <dt><dfn>dual-rumble</dfn></dt>
+        <dd>
+          A dual-rumble effect is a fixed-length, constant-intensity vibration
+          effect intended for an actuator of type <code>'dual-rumble'</code>.
+          Dual-rumble effects are defined by four parameters.
+          <var>duration</var> sets the duration of the vibration effect in
+          milliseconds, default 0. <var>startDelay</var> sets the duration of
+          the delay after <code>playEffect()</code> is called until vibration
+          is started, default 0. During the delay interval, the actuator must
+          not vibrate. To prevent abuse, the user agent should consider an
+          effect invalid if the total effect duration (the sum of the vibration
+          interval and delay interval) exceeds some reasonable value, say 5
+          seconds. <var>strongMagnitude</var> and <var>weakMagnitude</var> set
+          the vibration intensity levels for the heavier and lighter ERM
+          motors, normalized to the range <code>[0,1]</code>, default 0.
+        </dd>

Yes, 0 is valid for all parameters. A dual-rumble effect with the default parameters describes a 0-length effect with no vibration from either motor. In practice it behaves the same as calling reset().

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