[whatwg/fetch] Should errors be considered same-origin or cross-origin? (#848)

This came up in a Blink [Intent to Ship](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msg/blink-dev/7OSy00oxVpk/siufiQVBBwAJ).

HTML defines [CORS-same-origin](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/urls-and-fetching.html#cors-same-origin) in a way that excludes 'error' responses. As a result, stylesheets that fail to load are considered cross-origin, so stylesheet.cssRules will throw a SecurityError.

Is this the recommended way specs interpret the Fetch response type 'error', and if so why?

I could imagine an alternative design we have 'error' and 'opaqueerror', where 'error' is network error from a same-origin URL and opaqueerror is a network error from a cross-origin URL. Was that type of design considered and rejected?

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