Re: [whatwg/dom] window.event and shadow trees (#679)

Thanks.  I think I've finally caught up to your first question.

> In Yuki Yamada corrected a wpt test that now illustrates that if a listener of a node in a shadow tree runs for a composed event, window.event will be undefined.
> If this listener were to call a function that's not aware of the shadow tree, but does keep around state about the composed event, it'll learn about the existence of the shadow tree.

Supposing that author knows the composed event and the target where the event was initially dispatched (i.e. `target.dispatchEvent(e)`), it seems possible to me that author looks for `e.currentTarget` in a subtree under the target.  If author was not able to find `e.currentTarget` in the subtree, it must be a shadow node, mustn't it?

If so, tweaking `window.event` wouldn't help very much, I think.

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