Re: [whatwg/fetch] Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) (#681)

> Regarding service worker and cache API:

> CORB shouldn't depend on what the destination of the request is, nor what service worker is going to do with the response. The intention is to not expose the data of the opaque response to the service worker in the renderer process at all. My understanding from discussions with @mattto, @anforowicz, and @nick-chromium was that service worker could still handle opaque responses without exposing that data to the renderer process, though it's worth clarifying the details on things like cache.add.

I met with @jakearchibald and @mattto this week to discuss the cache API  and we agreed that CORB won't disrupt it, since the cache API is origin-specific.  It's important to note that CORB doesn't take anything about the request into account, which means that if CORB blocks a response for a given origin, then it would be blocked no matter how that origin asked for it (even when retrieving it later from the cache API).  Thus, it's fine for a ServiceWorker (or a page) to put an empty value for an opaque response into the cache API, since that response will always be opaque for that origin.

(This is different from preload and the network cache, where we do want CORB-blocked responses to end up on disk, so that they're fast after navigating to a cross-origin page.  That doesn't require sending the data to the renderer process, though.)

> FWIW, this does part does seem doable to me from an implementation perspective. Gecko's cache waits to open the body file descriptor until body consumption begins. So as long as we can perform the CORB check in the renderer process as part of the respondWith() call, then it seems possible to achieve this.

Given the above, hopefully the renderer process check is not necessary?

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