Re: [whatwg/streams] Add TransformStream tests for re-entrant strategies (#795)

ricea commented on this pull request.

> +  });
+  reader = ts.readable.getReader();
+  const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
+  let writeCalled = false;
+  const writePromise = writer.write('b').then(() => {
+    writeCalled = true;
+  });
+  return flushAsyncEvents().then(() => {
+    assert_false(writeCalled);
+    controller.enqueue('a');
+    assert_equals(calls, 1, 'size() should have been called once');
+    return delay(0);
+  }).then(() => {
+    assert_true(writeCalled);
+    assert_equals(calls, 1, 'size() should only be called once');
+    return readPromises[0];

Yes, Travis found the bug just before you did. Thanks for checking anyway!

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