Re: [whatwg/streams] Standard text for TransformStream (#811)

tyoshino commented on this pull request.

> +  1. Set *this*.[[transformStreamController]] to *undefined*.
+  1. Set *this*.[[backpressure]] and *this*.[[backpressureChangePromise]] to *undefined*.
+  1. Let _readableType_ be ? GetV(_transformer_, `"readableType"`).
+  1. If _readableType_ is not *undefined*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+  1. Let _writableType_ be ? GetV(_transformer_, `"writableType"`).
+  1. If _writableType_ is not *undefined*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+  1. Let _controller_ be  ? Construct(`<a idl>TransformStreamDefaultController</a>`, « *this* »).
+  1. Set *this*.[[transformStreamController]] to _controller_.
+  1. Let _startPromise_ be <a>a new promise</a>.
+  1. Let _source_ be ! Construct(`<a idl>TransformStreamDefaultSource</a>`, « *this*, _startPromise_ »).
+  1. Let _readableStrategy_ be ! ObjectCreate(<a>%ObjectProperty%</a>).
+  1. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(_readableStrategy_, `"size"`, _size_).
+  1. Perform ! CreateDataProperty(_readableStrategy_, `"highWaterMark"`, _highWaterMark_).
+  1. Set *this*.[[readable]] to ? Construct(`<a idl>ReadableStream</a>`, « _source_, _readableStrategy_ »).
+  1. Let _sink_ be ! Construct(`<a idl>TransformStreamDefaultSink</a>`, « *this*, _startPromise_ »).
+  1. Set *this*.[[writable]] to ? Construct(`<a idl>WritableStream</a>`, « _sink_, _writableStrategy_ »).

Oops, sorry. I should've checked the arguments list.

Yeah, it might be helpful, thought it's just because I'm not catching up with the changes. Is the only background of the asymmetry?

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