Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Provide a way to skipWaiting when the last tab refreshes (#1238)

In the meantime, I recommend developers use code like this during the `fetch` event in `navigate` mode, returning a blank Response with a `Refresh: 0` header.

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  event.respondWith((async () => {
    if (event.request.mode === "navigate" &&
      event.request.method === "GET" &&
      registration.waiting &&
      (await clients.matchAll()).length < 2
    ) {
      return new Response("", {headers: {"Refresh": "0"}});
    return await caches.match(event.request) ||

When doing an ordinary navigation while a `v2` Service Worker is waiting, the last/only `v1` tab will briefly show a blank page, then auto-refresh into a `v2` tab. If the page response happens to use `Content-Disposition`, the download will initiate, but the tab will turn blank and stay blank.

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