Re: [whatwg/dom] Abort controller (#437)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> +<a>context object</a>'s [=AbortSignal/aborted flag=] is set, and false otherwise.
+<p class=note>Changes to an {{AbortSignal}} object represent the wishes of the corresponding
+{{AbortController}} object, but an API observing the {{AbortSignal}} object can chose to ignore
+them. For instance, if the operation has already completed.
+<p>To <dfn export for=AbortSignal>signal abort</dfn>, given a {{AbortSignal}} object
+<var>signal</var>, run these steps:
+ <li><p>If <var>signal</var>'s [=AbortSignal/aborted flag=] is set, then return.
+ <li><p>Set <var>signal</var>'s [=AbortSignal/aborted flag=].
+ <li><p><a for=set>For each</a> <var>algorithm</var> in <var>signal</var>'s
+ [=AbortSignal/abort algorithms=]: run <var>algorithm</var>.

Hmm yeah, good point. We could do that, or we could go with a different strategy, of noting that abort algorithms will never fire after the aborted flag is set, so even though the spec doesn't clean them up explicitly, implementations probably should. I guess that's not as good though, once I typed it out.

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