[whatwg/fullscreen] Problems with the "unloading document cleanup steps" (#82)

The spec currently says says "Whenever the unloading document cleanup steps run with a document, fully exit fullscreen document."

Working on https://github.com/whatwg/fullscreen/pull/65, I wrote https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/5887 which was supposed to test this and passes in Firefox, but I've realized there are at least these problems:
* The exit fullscreen algorithm does nothing if the document is not fully active. Is a document fully active when [unload a document](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#unload-a-document) runs? @annevk?
* If the exit fullscreen algorithm did run as usual, part of it is async after the resize, and event should then be fired. They aren't in Firefox, and I don't think it'd make sense to fire events.

It's tempting to just use [unfullscreen a document](https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#unfullscreen-a-document), but when the top-level browsing context is navigated *something* has to "resize topLevelDoc’s viewport to its "normal" dimensions" and that's currently a part of the exit fullscreen algorithm.

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