Re: [whatwg/fetch] Aborting a fetch: The Next Generation (#447)

@jakearchibald  fwiw, cobbled together an approach utilizing `EventSource` and `php` (with gracious help of [Alex Blex]( at [How to read and echo file size of uploaded file being written at server in real time without blocking at both server and client?]( Curious if `php` portion could be substituted for `ServiceWorker` methods

<!DOCTYPE html>
<input type="file">
<progress value="0" max="0" step="1"></progress>

const [url, stream, header] = ["data.php", "stream.php", "x-filename"];

const [input, progress, handleFile] = [
      , document.querySelector("progress")
      , (event) => {
          const [file] = input.files;
          const [{size:filesize, name:filename}, headers, params] = [
                  file, new Headers(), new URLSearchParams()
          // set `filename`, `filesize` as search parameters for `stream` URL
          Object.entries({filename, filesize})
          .forEach(([...props]) => params.append.apply(params, props));
          // set header for `POST`
          headers.append(header, filename);
          // reset `progress.value` set `progress.max` to `filesize`
          [progress.value, progress.max] = [0, filesize];
          const [request, source] = [
            new Request(url, {
                  method:"POST", headers:headers, body:file
          , new EventSource(`${stream}?${params.toString()}`)
          source.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
            // update `progress` here,
            // call `.close()` when ` === filesize` 
            // `progress.value =`, should be this simple
            console.log(, e.lastEventId);
          }, true);

          source.addEventListener("open", (e) => {
            console.log("fetch upload progress open");
          }, true);

          source.addEventListener("error", (e) => {
            console.error("fetch upload progress error");
          }, true);
          // sanity check for tests, 
          // we don't need `source` when ` === filesize`;
          // we could call `.close()` within `message` event handler
          setTimeout(() => source.close(), 30000);
          // we don't need `source' to be in `Promise` chain, 
          // though we could resolve if ` === filesize`
          // before `response`, then wait for `.text()`; etc.
          // TODO: if and where to merge or branch `EventSource`,
          // `fetch` to single or two `Promise` chains
          const upload = fetch(request);
          .then(response => response.text())
          .then(res => console.log(res))
          .catch(err => console.error(err));

input.addEventListener("change", handleFile, true);

`php` by Alex Blex

header("Content-Type: text/event-stream");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Connection: keep-alive");
// Check if the header's been sent to avoid `PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID in stream.php on line `
// php 7+
//$lastId = $_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"] ?? 0;
// php < 7
$lastId = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"]) ? intval($_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"]) : 0;

$upload = $_GET["filename"];
$data = 0;
// if file already exists, its initial size can be bigger than the new one, so we need to ignore it
$wasLess = $lastId != 0;
while ($data < $_GET["filesize"] || !$wasLess) {
    // system calls are expensive and are being cached with assumption that in most cases file stats do not change often
    // so we clear cache to get most up to date data
    clearstatcache(true, $upload);
    $data = filesize($upload);
    $wasLess |= $data <  $_GET["filesize"];
    // don't send stale filesize
    if ($wasLess) {
        sendMessage($lastId, $data);
    // not necessary here, though without thousands of `message` events will be dispatched
    // millions on poor connection and large files. 1 second might be too much, but 50 messages a second must be okay

function sendMessage($id, $data)
    echo "id: $id\n";
    echo "data: $data\n\n";
    // no need to flush(). It adds content length of the chunk to the stream
    // flush();

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