Re: [heycam/webidl] Update attribute setter/getters in various ways (#217)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> +    1.  Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
+        1.  If no arguments were passed, then
+        1.  Let |V| be the value of the first argument passed.
+        1.  Let |id| be |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
+        1.  Let |O| be <emu-val>null</emu-val>.
+        1.  If |attribute| is not a [=static attribute=]:
+            1.  If the <emu-val>this</emu-val> value is <emu-val>null</emu-val> or
+                <emu-val>undefined</emu-val>, set |O| to |realm|'s [=Realm/global object=].
+                (This will subsequently cause a <emu-val>TypeError</emu-val> in a few steps, if
+                the global object does not implement |target| and [{{LenientThis}}] is not
+                specified.)
+                <!-- -->
+            1.  Otherwise, set |O| to the <emu-val>this</emu-val> value.
+            1.  If |O| is a [=platform object=], then [=perform a security check=], passing |O|,
+                |id|, and "setter".
+            1.  Let |validThis| be <emu-val>true</emu-val> if |O| is a [=platform object=] that

That's probably more correct I guess. I was thinking this is more like an ES spec algorithm where booleans are emu-val'ed, but this seems like a better place to lean toward web spec conventions than ES.

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