Re: [whatwg/url] Add URLSearchParams.prototype.sort() (#199)

annevk commented on this pull request.

> +
+<div class=example id=example-searchparams-sort>
+ <p>It can be useful to sort the name-value pairs in a {{SearchParams}} object, in particular to
+ increase cache hits. This can be accomplished simply through invoking the {{SearchParams/sort()}}
+ method:
+ <pre><code class=lang-javascript>
+const url = new URL("🏳️‍🌈&amp;key=e1f7bc78");
+url.searchParams.sort();; // "?key=e1f7bc78&amp;q=%F0%9F%8F%B3%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8C%88"</code></pre>
+ <p>To avoid altering the original input, e.g., for comparison purposes, construct a new
+ {{SearchParams}} object:
+ <pre><code class=lang-javascript>
+const sorted = (new URLSearchParams(;</code></pre>

Thanks, I opted for fixing the example. Might change if we fix #90 as requested I suppose.

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