Re: [w3c/IndexedDB] Adding examples for “versionchange” and “blocked”. (#133)

marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

> +other tabs, you should use the "versionchange" event to close the connection to
+the database.
+<pre class=lang-javascript>
+db.onversionchange = function() {
+  // First, save any unsaved data:
+  saveUnsavedData().then(function() {
+    // Now you need to close the database.
+    // If the document isn't being actively used, it may be appropriate to reload:
+    if (!document.hasFocus()) {
+      location.reload();
+      // Reloading will close the database, and also reload with the new JavaScript
+      // and database definitions.
+    } else {
+      // Alternatively you may close the database and display a message to the
+      // user. You need to ensure this isn't a disruptive user experience.

ah - ok. I gotta get my head out of service worker land and message passing. 

I'm still not totally clear where .onblocked comes into play... if at all? 

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