Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Improve handling of extend lifetime promises (#1049)

domenic commented on this pull request.

>        The user agent *should not* <a lt="terminate service worker">terminate</a> the [=/service worker=] associated with |event|'s <a>relevant settings object</a>'s [=environment settings object/global object=] until |event|'s <a>extensions allowed flag</a> is unset. However, the user agent *may* impose a time limit to this lifetime extension.
   <section algorithm>
+    <h3 id="handle-extend-lifetime-promise-algorithm"><dfn>Handle Extend Lifetime Promise</dfn></h3>
+      : Input
+      :: |event|, an {{ExtendableEvent}} object
+      :: |promise|, a [=promise=]
+      : Output
+      :: None
+      1. Wait until |promise| is settled [=in parallel=].
+      2. [=Queue a microtask=] to run the following substeps:
+          1. Decrease |event|'s [=ExtendableEvent/pending promises count=] by one.
+          1. For each |reaction| in |promise|.\[[PromiseFulfillReactions]]:

I haven't reviewed in detail yet, but I agree poking at [[PromiseFulfillReactions]] is a bad idea. Poking at [[PromiseState]] and [[PromiseResult]] is OK though IMO.

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