Re: [w3c/webcomponents] HTML Modules (#645)

Is webcomponents works only for Javascript? if without Javascript,I only want to create an contact card with avatar as components, but  without javascript skill:

I likes javascript only do something as javascript do, It‘s a promote for web development, not the only way, web needs be can works without any `script` tag. 


<!-- contact-card/contact-card.html -->

<element name="contact-card">
            :host { }
            :host(sizing="cover") { }
            :host(sizing="contain") { }
        <img src="${avatar}" />

<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="import" href="contact-card/contact-card.html" />

<contact-card sizing="cover" avatar="avatar.png"></contact-card>
<contact-card sizing="contain" avatar="avatar.png"></contact-card>


in javascript, we has fetch api already, I think allow javascript import html file will likes this:


import  * as myModule from "my-module";
import doc from '/foo.html' as ??;

/* how to import ClassA from foo.html? */
import {ClassA} from '/foo.html' as ???;
Is foo.html a Document or DocumentFragment?
import ClassA from document or fragment ?

/* and could we import a stylesheet from foo.html? */
import {style1, style2} from '/foo.html' as ???;
    <link rel="stylesheet" export="style1"/>?
    <export name="style1">
        <link rel="stylesheet" export="style1"/>?

/* if we had more than one template in foo.html */

imported html may contains many things such as templates, styles, scripts. the best way to access them also by javascript api, not only syntax support.

such as an component



    class TheComponent1 { }
    class TheComponent2 { }

    export TheComponent1;
    export TheComponent2;


The better way will be template move to `filename.html` script move to `filename.js`. or some one likes this:

import {TheComponent1 as Component1,  TheComponent2 as Component2} from 'template.html' as DocumentFragment;

// or

import doc from 'template.html' as DocumentFragment;

let Component1 = doc.TheComponent1;
let Component2 = doc.TheComponent2;


So I think html import is better than esmodule for webcomponents now.

<link rel="import" href="custom-element.html"/>

 don't forget in javascript, we have the `fetch` api, there just needs a `__dirname` or keep current file path for any esmodule to load some static content.

import {Element} from '@polymer/path/to/polymer-element'

class CustomElement extends Element {


export default CustomElement;

fetch('template.html', myInit).then(function (res) {
    return response.text();
}).then(function (text) {
   someTemplateHolder.add('custom-element', text);
    customElements.define('custom-element', CustomElement);
}).catch(function(error) {

// 0r 

customElements.define('custom-element', CustomElement, {
    template: 'template.html'

// Or just a decorate

class CustomElement extends Element { }
customElements.define('custom-element', CustomElement);

// Or

class CustomElement extends Element { 
    static get template() {
        return 'template.html';


There a lot way to do in javascript.  so, `import` a html file in javascript is not required. Javascript can do this already. But the important is `HTMLImport` works without javascript.

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