Re: [webcomponents] Proposed change for Focus Navigation (#447)

> +
> +        <p><dfn>document sequential focus navigation order</dfn> is an order of all of the <a data-lt="focusable area">focusable areas</a> <a>in a composed document</a>, reachable by <a>sequential focus navigation</a>.</p>
> +
> +        <p>When a composed document is given, the <a>document sequential focus navigation order</a> is determined by the following steps:</p>
> +
> +        <p>Step 1.</p>
> +        <div class="algorithm">
> +          <dl>
> +            <dt>INPUT</dt>
> +            <dd><var>DOCUMENT</var>, a composed document</dd>
> +            <dt>OUTPUT</dt>
> +            <dd><var>OWNERS</var>, a set of <a>focus navigation scope owner</a> nodes</dd>
> +          </dl>
> +          <ol>
> +            <li>Let <var>OWNERS</var> be an empty set.</li>
> +            <li>For each node tree <var>TREE</var> in <var>DOCUMENT</var>:

Now you can use
Or, given that the order is not important, you can simply say:
- Let OWNERS be focus owner nodes whose shadow-including root is *document*.

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Received on Thursday, 24 March 2016 04:52:39 UTC