Re: [w3c/pointerlock] Update for Shadow DOM (#4)

> @@ -349,6 +341,43 @@
>      </section>
>      <section>
> +      <h2>Extensions to the <a>DocumentOrShadowRoot</a> Mixin</h2>
> +
> +      <dl title='partial interface DocumentOrShadowRoot' class='idl'>
> +         <dt>readonly attribute Element? pointerLockElement</dt>
> +         <dd>
> +           <dfn title="pointerLockElement"></dfn>
> +
> +    <p>If the element, which is set as the target for mouse events while the pointer is
> +    locked, is a
> +           <a href="">shadow-including descendant</a> of the
> +           <a href="">context object</a>,
> +    return the result of the following algorithm:
> +    <dl>

You can reference shadow DOM for this, sorry for confusing you!

If you did want to inline the algorithm, I think it's better to fit with the conventions of this spec, instead of shadow DOM's idiosyncratic CAPITAL LETTER VARIABLES and input/output `<dl>`.

But just referencing shadow DOM's algorith, like you did before, is fine. I just thought it's something that should move to DOM eventually, so I commented on that.

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