[w3c/IndexedDB] Specify IDBOpenDBRequest processing as a queue? (#79)


indexedDB.open(name).onsuccess = e => {console.log('open1'); e.target.result.close(); };
indexedDB.open(name).onsuccess = e=>{ console.log('open2'); e.target.result.close(); };
indexedDB.deleteDatabase(n).onsuccess = e => { console.log('delete'); }

* Firefox logs: open1, open2, delete.
* Chrome logs: open1, delete, open2

IIRC we discussed this before. Chrome is following the letter of the spec, that in "steps for deleting a database" the "delete pending flag" is set immediately (no waiting) and in "steps for opening a database" the steps wait on the "delete pending flag". Firefox instead processes IDBOpenDBRequests (opens, deletes) on a named database as a FIFO queue.

This is an observable incompatibility, so we should probably standardize the behavior one way or the other.

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Received on Friday, 24 June 2016 20:25:50 UTC