Re: [w3c/gamepad] Added GamepadPose and GamepadCapabilities (#25)

> +        <dd>
> +          Angular acceleration of the gamepad in meters per second. MUST be null
> +          if the sensor is incapable of providing angular acceleration. When not
> +          null MUST be a three-element array.
> +        </dd>
> +      </dl>
> +    </section>
> +
> +    <section>
> +      <h2><dfn>GamepadCapabilities</dfn> Interface</h2>
> +      <p>
> +        This interface defines the gamepad's hardware capabilities.
> +      </p>
> +
> +      <dl title='interface GamepadCapabilities' class='idl'>
> +        <dt>readonly attribute boolean hasPosition</dt>

I'll merge those properties into the `GamepadPose`, which allows everything VR-centric to stay in the same object.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I can't merge on this repo. It would have to be @luser, @sgraham or another member with write access.

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