Re: [whatwg/fetch] RFC: a mechanism to bypass CORS preflight (#210)

Hmm, okay. I can live with having to specify the parameters in detail.

- Shall we require the Origin-Wide-CORS descriptor to be communicated only over a preflight response? I.e. the first non-simple request to an origin X. This would require people to implement preflight correctly.
- Shall we allow only the query part to be wildcarded? I'm checking with wenbozhu and not yet sure if it works for him. But limiting wildcard functionality would reduce risk of misconfiguration
- Shall we give the authority to specify the Origin-Wide-CORS only to "/"?

I've updated accordingly. I've incorporated roryheiwitt's points and made it communicate the Origin-Wide settings over headers. Not involving any more separate fetching is basically good for reducing implementation complexity.

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