Re: [whatwg/xhr] Consider adding toJSON to FormData (#84)

Right. The [example 9]( may give us an idea...

EXAMPLE 9: Files
<form enctype='application/json'>
  <input type='file' name='file' multiple>

// assuming the user has selected two text files, produces:
    "file": [
            "type": "text/plain",
            "name": "dahut.txt",
            "type": "text/plain",
            "name": "litany.txt",
            "body": "SSBtdXN0IG5vdCBmZWFyLlxuRmVhciBpcyB0aGUgbWluZC1raWxsZXIuCg=="

However, it's desirable to see if [JSON standard]( defines the behavior for uploading files. I couldn't find anything that cares about file uploading.

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