Re: [w3c/permissions] Resolve TODOs on media type permissions (#120)

>        </dd>
>        <dt>
>          <a>permission query algorithm</a>
>        </dt>
>        <dd>
> -        TODO
> +        The permission query algorithm runs the following steps:
> +        <ol class="algorithm">
> +        <li>
> +        If |permissionDesc|.deviceId exists in the <a>extra permission data</a>,
> +        set <code><var>status</var>.state</code>
> +        to |permissionDesc|'s <a>permission state</a> and terminate these
> +        steps.
> +        </li>
> +        <li>Set <var>global</var> to the {{PermissionDesc}} for the descriptor
> +        that results from removing the "deviceId" value.
> +        </li>
> +        <li>
> +        Set <code><var>status</var>.state</code> to <var>global</var>'s

I don't see a need for an application to get that list, no. If it really wants one, it can call enumerateDevices and then do query() for each of them. I want to keep the API as simple as possible.

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