Re: [ServiceWorker] Specify .focus() and .openWindow() behaviour (#602)

So I think we need to be crisper about this. Lets ignore programmatic navigation. We can distinguish it from user-initiated navigation. Lets also put aside the question of what to do when the app isn't already running in some way (as we can't open full-screen regardless for various Chrome impl reasons at the moment).

That leaves us with:

 * Top-level user-initiated navigations
   * Link clicks, url-bar navigation, etc.
   * ...or external actions (system url handlers, e.g., an `ACTION_VIEW` intent in android) which would result in top-level navigations
  * To URLs for which there is a registered Service Worker which matches the path...
  * ...and for which there is an `onfetch` handler

In these cases, allowing `focus()` seems reasonable. @jakearchibald, WDYT?

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