[IndexedDB] Proposal: Queue a microtask to unset active on transaction (#27)

Ported from https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29049 by @jakearchibald

When a transaction is created, 'active' is unset when control is returned to the event loop http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#dom-idbdatabase-transaction (8).

When onsuccess is fired, 'active' is unset once the event has dispatched http://w3c.github.io/IndexedDB/#fire-a-success-event (4).

If both of these were "queue a microtask to unset 'active'", it would be more consistent and allow promise-based APIs to interact with IDB.

Currently, building an abstraction like this is impossible:

getValue('foo').then(function(val) {
  return setValue(val)

Assuming `getValue` returns a compliant promise, `setValue` fails as the transaction is inactive.

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