Next steps taken for W3C in WebApps and CombDoc

This may be of interest to the non-W3C Members out here.
The W3C has taken the first step in starting work as
an outcome of the Web Applications and Compound 
Documents workshop.

This means that the Members have been shown a draft
charter and are providing comments. Once those comments
have been addressed, an updated charter is produced
and the call for participation goes out. I'd expect
this to happen in the next few weeks.

The general idea is two work areas: Web Applications and
Combined Documents.

The plans for the Web Applications group involve starting with
requirements and use cases. We believe applications are so important
that they warrant careful consideration before starting any technical

The Combined Documents group has a much more narrow scope. It
comes from strong industry demand in the Mobile Computing space
for a set of specifications that combine W3C document formats,
as soon as possible.

As I suggested above, the plans for each area are not yet set in stone.
The Membership are still discussing, and we encourage public feedback
on this list (or to me in private).

Thanks for any input you have.


Received on Saturday, 28 August 2004 20:36:44 UTC