[Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications


--- Comment #4 from Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky@mit.edu> ---
> Given that Chrome provides evidence that it is not a compatibility issue

Sadly, not quite.  Chrome provides evidence that returning "Object" as the
string tag for HTMLBodyElement.prototype is not a compat issue.  Returning
"HTMLBodyElement" would break code that tries to work around cross-global
instanceof not working in some browsers by checking
Object.prototype.toString.call().  Doubly so because all of the methods/getters
one would want to call on a <body> exist on HTMLBodyElement.prototype but throw
when called.

I'm game to try the simple thing in theory, but in practice I worry about
compat issues.  If we have data showing there is no issue (e.g. an
implementation shipping the proposed behavior for a bit, or some other
indication that people are not using Object.prototype.toString.call() in the
way I worry about), I'd love to see it, now or in the future.

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Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 16:45:18 UTC