from April 2015 by subject

[Bug 10583] [Selection] toString should return only the text within the selection that is visible to the user

[Bug 11350] [IndexedDB] ObjectStores should have a way to hint that they're "evictable"

[Bug 14978] [Meta]: Specify how shadow DOM works

[Bug 15444] [Shadow]: Find a way for selection to work across shadow DOM subtrees

[Bug 15480] [Shadow]: Shadow DOM V2

[Bug 15480] [Shadow]: Things to Consider in the Future

[Bug 15616] [Shadow]: Consider augmenting HTML parser to parse <shadow> and <content> just like <template>

[Bug 16595] Ability to get non-sequential records from various operations

[Bug 17309] It is not defined what the value of Gamepad.index should be after disconnecting the gamepad

[Bug 17681] [IndexedDB] Operations that raise multiple exceptions types should define order

[Bug 18429] [Shadow]: Specify imperative API for node distribution

[Bug 18780] Fix event dispatching for shadow DOM and <iframe seamless>

[Bug 19955] [IndexedDB] Add IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor

[Bug 20017] [Shadow]: Retargeting relatedTarget algorithm prevents events from be fired if a user creates a MouseEvent manually with a relatedTarget which is same to the target.

[Bug 20144] [Shadow]: Add "closed" flag to createShadowRoot

[Bug 20247] [Shadow]: Update constraints around stopping events

[Bug 20257] IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value

[Bug 21066] Provide an event path API

[Bug 21149] [Shadow]: Shadow DOM-based components could benefit from a way to detect when light DOM contents change

[Bug 21386] Should specify how to present d-pads/triggers as buttons

[Bug 21387] Need to spec better support for control mapping

[Bug 21434] Need to spec liveness of Gamepad objects

[Bug 22080] [Shadow]: Node should expose their scope so that shared state can be scoped to components.

[Bug 22107] [Shadow]: <content> usage in a place where non-flow content is expected

[Bug 22141] [Shadow]: Need mechanism to tell if an element in a ShadowRoot has been inserted into the Document

[Bug 22255] [Shadow]: Shadow trees should somehow contain base URL information

[Bug 22268] [Shadow]: Consider a <content> selector for "nodes not otherwise distributed"

[Bug 22361] [Shadow]: <title> and <meta> should be considered inert

[Bug 22370] Inform script of corruption-induced data loss

[Bug 22412] [Shadow]: Clarify the interaction with XML Namespace

[Bug 22443] [Shadow]: Form elements crossing shadow boundary

[Bug 22539] [Shadow]: Add support for external stylesheets using link rel="stylesheet"

[Bug 22540] Fire event when database connection is closed without explicit close() call

[Bug 22715] [Shadow]: [Meta] New features and improvements

[Bug 22716] [Shadow]: [Meta] Cleanup, refactoring, and polish

[Bug 22793] [Shadow]: Clarify the event path should be trimmed when target and relatedTarget are the same at a node.

[Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new

[Bug 23161] [Shadow]: url fragment identifiers should be followed into ShadowDOM

[Bug 23332] Support Binary Keys

[Bug 23481] [Shadow]: Multiple trees are introduced to explain encapsulation.

[Bug 23682] Fix the current [ArrayClass], [] and sequence<T> mess

[Bug 23726] Integration between XMLHttpRequest and Streams API

[Bug 23887] [Shadow] Change the order of insertion points in re-distribution in event path

[Bug 23887] [Shadow] Change the order of insertion points which are involved in a re-distribution in event path

[Bug 23887] [Shadow] Put only the final destination insertion point to the event path

[Bug 23887] [Shadow] Update event retargeting algorithm to never violate the rule of parentNode always preceeding the node in event path

[Bug 24087] [Custom]: Rename document.registerElement to document.define or document.defineElement

[Bug 24475] StorageQuota.supportedTypes should return a frozen Array

[Bug 24638] [Shadow]: elementFromPoint should return the host when you hit a Text node

[Bug 24639] [Shadow]: Each section on the spec needs examples

[Bug 24861] [Shadow]: Add a way to detect when the list of nodes distributed to an insertion point mutates

[Bug 25025] Named creators with [OverrideBuiltins] don't work right as the spec is written now

[Bug 25091] [imports]: Want to be used with data: URL scheme

[Bug 25202] [gamepad] "id" property is unclear how its established

[Bug 25203] [gamepad] Connected Attribute appears to serve no purpose if the Gamepad object is a snapshot

[Bug 25319] [imports]: Want some kind of imperative API

[Bug 25458] [Shadow]: The return type of Event.path should be EventTarget[], instead of NodeList

[Bug 25458] [Shadow]: The return type of Event.path should leverage WebIDL sequences

[Bug 26203] Order in which index entries should be reused is unspecified

[Bug 26365] [Shadow]: Need an equivalent definition of 'in a Document' for shadow trees

[Bug 26521] [[GetOwnProperty]] behavior for named properties is not web-compatible

[Bug 26892] [Shadow]: Consider not using AT_TARGET more than once in the event path

[Bug 27325] [Shadow]: Figure out how session history should work for <iframe>s in shadow DOM

[Bug 27354] Internal slots

[Bug 27359] [Shadow]: Need to define interaction with directionality

[Bug 27401] [Shadow]: Fully explore composition

[Bug 27418] [Shadow]: Need to define what .styleSheets actually does on a shadow root

[Bug 27444] Gamepad objects should have a dictionary of attributes about the controller and data source

[Bug 27637] [Shadow]: Explain the CSS inheritance in terms of Composed Tree

[Bug 27757] [Shadow]: how is the autofocus attribute supposed to be handled?

[Bug 27775] [Shadow]: Define the behavior of *closed* shadow trees.

[Bug 27829] [Shadow]: Update ShadowRoot to have elementsFromPoint and caretPositionFromPoint

[Bug 27953] Dictionaries with required properties shouldn't need to be optional

[Bug 27965] [Shadow]: Shadow host with tabindex=-1, all descendent tree should be ignored for tab navigation

[Bug 27986] Specify exact length of array returned by Navigator.getGamepads()

[Bug 27988] Get rid of the separate concepts of "setters" and "creators"

[Bug 27994] [Shadow]: Distribution needs to not be observable

[Bug 27994] [Shadow]: Distribution result usage examples

[Bug 28008] [Shadow] Should "Events that are Always Stopped" include destination insertion points?

[Bug 28079] [Shadow]: inappropriate reference to CSS3-UI nav-index spec in focus navigation order

[Bug 28246] [Shadow]: Disable event capturing through a ShadowRoot

[Bug 28353] [Shadow]: Use a parent/child relationship in the composed tree for some elements, i.e. <ol>/<li>

[Bug 28440] [Shadow]: Layout Containment and Shadow Trees

[Bug 28440] New: [Shadow]: Layout Containment and Shadow Trees

[Bug 28441] [Shadow]: Declarative Shadow DOM

[Bug 28441] New: [Shadow]: Declarative Shadow DOM

[Bug 28442] [Shadow]: Isolated Shadow trees

[Bug 28442] New: [Shadow]: Isolated Shadow trees

[Bug 28443] [Shadow]: Specify distribution in terms of event loop

[Bug 28443] New: [Shadow]: Specify distribution in terms of event loop

[Bug 28444] [Shadow]: Make event retargeting optional

[Bug 28444] New: [Shadow]: Make event retargeting optional

[Bug 28445] [Shadow]: The default value of open/closed flag

[Bug 28445] New: [Shadow]: The default value of open/closed flag

[Bug 28446] [Shadow]: Consider removal of multiple shadow roots

[Bug 28446] New: [Shadow]: Consider removal of multiple shadow roots

[Bug 28449] [Shadow]: Allow certain pseudo-classes in content selectors

[Bug 28449] New: [Shadow]: Allow certain psuedo-classes in content selectors

[Bug 28455] Add a method to add a one-time event listener

[Bug 28455] New: Add a method to add a one-time event listener

[Bug 28456] New: nested keyPath: allow specification which part should be iterated if it's an array

[Bug 28459] New: Algorithm of exitFullscreen() doesn't work correctly when there are nested fullscreen element

[Bug 28460] New: Request fullscreen on both iframe and elements inside it could cause undesired result

[Bug 28477] New: Warn against boolean arguments defaulting to true

[Bug 28477] Warn against boolean arguments defaulting to true

[Bug 28491] [Shadow]: [Meta] Unblock Mozilla's shipping of Shadow DOM

[Bug 28491] New: [Shadow]: [Meta] Unblock Mozilla's shipping of Shadow DOM

[Bug 28493] [Shadow]: Have a common interface between Document and ShadowRoot

[Bug 28493] New: [Shadow]: Have a common interface between Document and ShadowRoot

[Bug 28496] Allow Blob constructor to take ownership of ArrayBuffer(View) / invoke DetachArrayBuffer

[Bug 28496] New: Allow Blob constructor to take ownership of ArrayBuffer(View) / invoke DetachArrayBuffer

[Bug 28502] Add file event watching.

[Bug 28502] New: Add file event watching.

[Bug 28505] New: Synchronous XHR removal makes patching Error.prepareStackTrace impossible

[Bug 28505] Synchronous XHR removal makes patching Error.prepareStackTrace impossible

[Bug 28522] [Shadow] Cascading for trees of no-inner/outer and no-younger/older relationship

[Bug 28522] New: [Shadow] Cascading for trees of no-inner/outer and no-younger/older relationship

[Bug 28539] [Shadow]: Typos Spefifies and Speficies

[Bug 28539] New: [Shadow]: Typos Spefifies and Speficies

[Bug 28541] New: Custom elements should use ES6 class constructor

[Bug 28542] New: [Shadow] Replace node distribution mechanism by the named slot proposal

[Bug 28543] New: Custom elements should call user defined constructor synchronously

[Bug 28544] Custom elements should not upgrade elements by setting prototype

[Bug 28544] New: Custom elements should not upgrade elements by setting prototype

[Bug 28545] New: Declarative syntax for custom elements

[Bug 28546] document.registerElement should take a template as an argument

[Bug 28546] New: document.registerElement should take a template as an argument

[Bug 28547] New: Remove the support for inherting from builtin subclasses of HTMLElement and SVGElement

[Bug 28547] Remove the support for inherting from builtin subclasses of HTMLElement and SVGElement

[Bug 28548] Broken link in spec

[Bug 28548] New: Broken link in spec

[Bug 28549] [Shadow]: Add [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] to ShadowRoot.innerHTML

[Bug 28549] New: [Shadow]: Add [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] to ShadowRoot.innerHTML

[Bug 28552] [Shadow]: Shadow DOM v1

[Bug 28552] New: [Shadow]: Shadow DOM v1

[Bug 28558] [Shadow] Rename .path to .deepPath and make it hide closed shadow trees in case it is accessed from open/light DOM

[Bug 28558] New: [Shadow] Rename .path to .deepPath and make it hide closed shadow trees in case it is accessed from open/light DOM

[Bug 28560] [Shadow] investigate if there should be deepRelatedTarget and touch.deepTarget

[Bug 28560] [Shadow] investigate if there should be deepRelatedTargets and touch.deepTargets

[Bug 28560] New: [Shadow] investigate if there should be deepRelatedTarget and touch.deepTarget

[Bug 28561] [Shadow]: rename <content> to <slot>

[Bug 28561] New: [Shadow]: rename <content> to <slot>

[Bug 28562] [Shadow]: Introduce "deep tree" terminology

[Bug 28562] New: [Shadow]: Introduce "deep tree" terminology

[Bug 28564] [Shadow]: Event model

[Bug 28564] New: [Shadow]: Event model

[Bug 28577] [XMLHttpRequest] Throwing SecurityError on open() call for some kind of simple errors

[Bug 28577] New: [XMLHttpRequest] Throwing NetworkError on open() call for some kind of simple errors

[Bug 28579] [Shadow]:

[Bug 28579] New: [Shadow]:

[Bug 28583] New: Inherited method name conflicts with consequential maplike/setlike interfaces should fail

[Bug 28587] [Shadow]: Inheritance Model for Shadow DOM

[Bug 28587] New: [Shadow]: Inheritance Model for Shadow DOM

needinfo requested: [Bug 22715] [Shadow]: [Meta] New features and improvements

Last message date: Thursday, 30 April 2015 16:23:52 UTC