[Bug 19470] Event firing sequence on abort() after send()


--- Comment #9 from Dominik Röttsches (drott) <dominik.rottsches@intel.com> ---
(In reply to comment #8)
> So actually Dominik, I think what Gecko does, given comment 0 is correct, is
> correct. Invoking abort() should not change events dispatched as part of the
> same task, I think. If you invoke abort() when fetching is done (as
> this.DONE indicates) you're simply too late.
> What I fixed in the specification is the ambiguity we had before.

Agree - Yes, it's clear now. I played computer this morning and went through
the sequence again. So instead of terminating and thus basically skipping steps
5-7 of comment 0, they do get executed now and the ambiguity is removed.
Abort() itself fires no events, since we're already in DONE and the substeps
there are skipped.

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Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2013 16:25:53 UTC