[progress-events]Some comments

Hi all,

some more comments:

"typeArg of type DOMString
     This must be one of loadstart, progress, error, abort, load. If it
     is not one of those values then this specification does not define
     the resulting event..."

I'd reword that somehow and definitely remove the "must be" part, since
the type doesn't have to be one of those event types.

"canBubbleArg of type boolean
     Specifies Event.bubbles. This parameter overrides the intrinsic
     bubbling behavior of the event and determines whether the event
     created will bubble
  cancelableArg of type boolean
     Specifies Event.cancelable. This parameter overrides the intrinsic
     cancel behavior of the event and determines whether the event
     created is cancelable"

I know that is copied from DOM 3 Events draft, but 'intrinsic bubbling 
behavior' and 'intrinsic cancel behavior' aren't actually defined 
anywhere. Perhaps should modify that in DOM 3 Events.

Sentences should end to a .

"If the user agent has reliable information about the value of total, 
then this should be true. If the user agent does not have reliable 
information about the vale of total, this should be false"
vale -> value and . after false

Missing "informative" for example in chapter
'Using progress events in Web content'


Other comments

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2008 11:24:33 UTC