Re: [XHR] XMLHttpRequest() Constructor

Lachlan Hunt:
> The XMLHttpRequest spec doesn't actually define what object is returned  
> by the XMLHttpRequest() constructor.  It should define that an object  
> implementing the XMLHttpRequest interface must be created and returned.
> Alternatively, the spec could just include a supplemental IDL for for  
> the Window interface, but that would require Bindings4DOM to include the  
> suggested "[Supplement]" idea [1], or similar.

I think using [Constructor]¹ on the interface should be sufficient for
the UA to be required to have the constructor on the window object.

Should the Bindings spec require that the constructor return an object
that implements that interface?


Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 23:21:50 UTC