Proposed recharter: Web Security IG


We've been putting together a revised charter for the Web Security 
Interest Group, noting that the current charter expired at the end of June.

Your comments on the draft charter are welcome.  It can be found at:

Here's the expired charter, for comparison:

Compared to the current charter, the draft:

-- Welcomes Kepeng Li and Ryan Ware as co-chairs,

-- Goes into more detail re: work the IG might do,

-- Removes the liaison relationship to the IETF WebSec WG, since that WG 
has closed, and

-- Removes the list of W3C working groups with which we are required to 
coordinate.  This section in charters is typically used to require 
groups to seek outside input, e.g. accessibility review.  Since the 
WebSec IG is not chartered to produce standards, it does not have such 
strict obligations.

Again, your comments are welcome.

Sam Weiler, W3C

Received on Monday, 7 November 2016 18:52:01 UTC