Re: A perfect DOM sandbox

On 15 February 2011 15:08, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> He sets the url to a script which has CSP enabled to provide same origin
>> restrictions
> Yes, but he never lets it load, so those restrictions never take effect.
>          try {
>>             ifr.contentDocument.documentElement.innerHTML=src;
>>    Given that you immediately do this?
>> I think you might be confused with sdc's naming conventions, "src"
>> actually refers to the source code supplied not the url of the iframe.
> No, I'm not confused.  He sets the iframe's src to something, then without
> waiting for that something to load sets the innerHTML of the about:blank
> document that's in the iframe right now.  Which raises the question of why
> he bothered setting the iframe's src in the first place.  Which is the
> question I asked

Apologies I must admit I didn't try the code

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 17:07:01 UTC