Re: What is the same-origin policy for (was Re: The Origin header)

On 12/7/09 12:30 AM, wrote:
> Ian, are you aware that that will provide CSS the power to execute
> javascript cross-site? (think on XSS).
> Right now we can't do this on firefox anymore, because they limited it
> to same domain, but if this gets implemented then
> <> will just send the header so his script will be
> loaded.

Mozilla isn't going to expand the use of XBL(1) bindings with or without
CORS; we'd like to kill remote XBL(1) dead, in fact. The part of the
spec you quoted, however, refers to XBL 2.0 which has a different
processing model. We will only consider loading cross-origin XBL 2 if
scripts in a binding respect the same-origin policy.

Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 05:07:26 UTC