Top - 10 Web Plugins

Top - 10 Web Plugins
1. Adobe Acrobat Reader   ->for viewing .pdf files
2. Java Virtual Machine   -> to run JVM to run Java applets
3. Macromedia Flash Player-> (to run .swf movies)
4. WinZip, which allows you to download large files in “compressed”
5. Real Audio Player -> to listen to .ram files
6. Apple Quicktime -> to see 3d Virtual Reality schematics
7. Windows Media Player -> to run a variety of movies and music format
8. Windows WinAmp  -> to play downloaded .mp3 and .wav files
9. "Pop-Up Killer" -> software to reduce the annoying advertisements
10. Anti Virus software

 Best Regards,

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:09:23 UTC