Microsoft's disclaimer on their '906 workarounds


Articles included in this section relate to modifications to Internet
Explorer following the jury verdict in the patent infringement case of Eolas
Technologies and the Regents of the University of California v. Microsoft
Corporation, 99-cv-0626, in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois. Although the described modifications in how
Internet Explorer handles ActiveX controls and related content relate to
Microsoft's efforts to avoid further potential liability under the asserted
U.S. Patent 5,383,906, individuals and companies should consult their own
legal counsel to understand any implications for their products in relation
to that patent. Users of the WebBrowser OC should enable the new behavior
for any Web browsing application.

Microsoft does not endorse any of the content included through links to
third party sites, but is providing such links for those seeking information
from the vendors of specific ActiveX controls. 

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 11:25:31 UTC