Re: [resource-timing-tests] Add TAO tests for Resource Timing (#5117)

@siusin thanks for updating the implementation! Rerunning the tests...

-  [`TAO = "origin, *"`](, expect TAO algorithm to pas. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.
- [`TAO = "null"`](, expect TAO algorithm to fail. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.
- [`TAO = "origin"`](, expect TAO algorithm to pass. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.
- [`TAO = [uppercase of "origin"]`](, expect TAO algorithm to fail. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.
- [`no TAO header`](, expect TAO algorithm to fail. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.
- [`TAO = "origin *"`](, expect TAO algorithm to fail. Chrome: pass, FF: pass.

All green for Chrome and FF. 

@toddreifsteck @nolanlawson could you verify status on Edge?
@JosephPecoraro ditto for Webkit.

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Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 05:11:54 UTC