Re: [css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox-1] Add a test for definite cross sizes (#5282)

Originally posted as by @cbiesinger on 27 Mar 2017, 20:27 UTC:

> *[css-flexbox-1/percentage-heights-001.html, line 38 at r1]( ([raw file](*
> <details><summary><i>Previously, dholbert (Daniel Holbert) wrote…</i></summary><blockquote>
> Nit: This sentence ("Tests that we ...") ends in a period, but all the ones after it do not.
> Really, they might all want to end in a colon, since they're all referring to the content directly after them...?
> Regardless, probably best to make these consistent.
> </blockquote></details>
> Done.
> ---
> *Comments from [Reviewable](*
> <!-- Sent from -->

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Received on Friday, 31 March 2017 13:04:53 UTC