Re: [css-sizing-3-tests] [css-sizing-3] Add tests for percentage resolution (#5280)

Originally posted as by @dholbert on 07 Mar 2016, 21:53 UTC:

> Also: ideally it'd be great if the testcase included a brief HTML comment (`<!-- -->`) explaining why its assertion is justified.
> e.g. "We should render with a single-line height because..."  "There should be no red because..."
> The testcase's [spec link]( kind of helps, but it doesn't directly explain the testcase -- and in fact, it kind of contradicts what your test is asserting. (It says "in some cases, the auto, min-content, [...] values of min-width and min-height do not prevent the resolution of percentage sizes of the box’s contents".)

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Received on Friday, 31 March 2017 13:00:11 UTC