Re: [mediasession-tests] Media Session: move all tests but mojo/ ones to external/wpt/. (#4782)

# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 5f8240d48d6f04d35a969e5bca441261350c3d72
Using browser at version BuildID 20170123125947; SourceStamp 36486fdc3813ef7943ae5b07b4128866d1938a6c
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary><a href="">/mediasession/playbackstate.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                              | Results |
|                                                                  | OK      |
| `Test that playbackState is read/write`                          | FAIL    |
| `Test that warning is thrown when setting invalid playbackState` | FAIL    |
| `Test that playbackState is initialized as "none"`               | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/mediasession/idlharness.html</a></summary>

| Subtest | Results |
|         | ERROR   |

<summary><a href="">/mediasession/setactionhandler.html</a></summary>

|                                 Subtest                                 | Results |
|                                                                         | OK      |
| `Test that setActionHandler() throws exception for unsupported actions` | PASS    |
| `Test that setActionHandler() can be executed for supported actions`    | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/mediasession/mediametadata.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                 | Results |
|                                                                        | OK      |
| `Test that MediaMetadata.artwork is Frozen`                            | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadat.artwork can't be modified`                     | FAIL    |
| `Test that resetting metadata to null is reflected`                    | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata is constructed using a dictionary`            | FAIL    |
| `Test the default values for MediaMetadata with empty init dictionary` | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata is read/write`                                | FAIL    |
| `Test MediaImage default values`                                       | FAIL    |
| `Test that mediaSession.metadata is properly set`                      | FAIL    |
| `Test that changes to metadata propagate properly`                     | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata.artwork returns parsed urls`                  | FAIL    |
| `Test the different values allowed in MediaMetadata init dictionary`   | FAIL    |
| `Test the default values for MediaMetadata with no init dictionary`    | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaImage.src is required`                                 | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata throws when setting an invalid url`           | FAIL    |
| `Test that passing unknown values to the dictionary is a no-op`        | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata constructor can take no parameter`            | FAIL    |
| `Test that MediaMetadata.artwork will not expose unknown properties`   | FAIL    |


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Received on Thursday, 9 February 2017 21:21:37 UTC