Re: [custom-elements-tests] [custom-elements] Remove duplicated test (#4767)

It looks like I referenced the wrong test entirely--that test also has a
distinct title! Sorry for the confusion; I meant to reference the following
test (double-checked this time):

test(function () {
    var element = define_new_custom_element(['title']);
    var instance = document.createElement(;
    instance.setAttribute('class', 'hello world');
    assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
    assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
}, 'remove on DOMTokenList must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing a value from an unobserved attribute');

*This* test has the same name as the one removed by this patch. The difference
between the two is the observed attribute: "lang" in one case and "title" in
the other. That's what I was getting at in my earlier comment.

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Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 23:11:38 UTC