Re: [resource-timing-tests] One resource entry per resource (#2919)

> HTML defines an image cache. Forgot the name atm but I think that is defined to some extent. Not well, since not subject to CSP atm, but…

@annevk - I think you're referring to [the list of available images](

In any case, I disagree that this case should show two separate entries, as there's no actual fetch triggered for MemoryCache reused images. I'd argue that if we want 2 separate entries here, we should also have 2 entries for every resource the preloader is triggering a preload of. There's no conceptual difference between the two.

> Said another way.. if there was a ServiceWorker behind the fetches, you'd see 2 entries. If there isn't, you may only see 1 today. This is probably not correct and we should consider updating the spec.

@toddreifsteck - Why is that? Can you point to the relevant parts of the SW/fetch specs that result in resource reuse triggering new fetch events?

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Received on Monday, 12 September 2016 09:47:41 UTC