from January 2015 by subject

[.travis.yml-tests][docs-tests][html-tests][lint-tests][manifest-tests][serve-tests][test-infra] Update manifest to support reftest chains. (#1576)

[2dcontext-tests][difficulty:easy-tests] Add a test for toDataURL("image/jpg") (#1602)

[2dcontext-tests][html-tests][shadow-dom-tests][webvtt-tests] Fix reftests missing rel=match (#1572)

[2dcontext-tests][test-infra] Remove tabs from 2dcontext. (#1559)

[app-uri-tests][old-tests] Remove stale copies of testharness.js. (#1518)

[battery-status-tests] Update tests for Battery Status API (#1488)

[conformance-checkers-tests] [cc] Sync sizes='' tests with spec (#1547)

[conformance-checkers-tests] cc Moved some scripts up into safe tools dir. (#1498)

[conformance-checkers-tests][html-tests][selectors-api-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Turn off input password autocomplete to enhance security (#1081)

[content-security-policy-tests] Try using a longer timeout for the CSP report (#1514)

[cors-tests] Add 304 tests for CORS (#1400)

[cors-tests][docs-tests][test-infra] Support running tests with SSL. (#1302)

[cssom-tests] Add a test of basic CSS value serialization roundtripping behaviour. (#1427)

[custom-elements-tests] Add test-case that if both types of custom element types are provided at... (#1570)

[custom-elements-tests] Test that changing the value of the is attribute does not affect this el... (#1569)

[custom-elements-tests] Test that the attached callback is only called in a browsing context. (#1571)

[custom-elements-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add test case that detached callback is called when element detached (#879)

[custom-elements-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add test cast for instantiation using type extensions (#863)

[custom-elements-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add test case for instantiation using local name (#860)

[custom-elements-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add test-case that changing the value of the is attribute must not affec... (#852)

[custom-elements-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add test-case that if both types of custom element types are provided at... (#854)

[difficulty:easy-tests][encoding-tests] Reuse encodings_table from resources/encodings.js in single-byte-decoder.html. (#1582)

[difficulty:easy-tests][html-tests] Test readyState in synthetic documents. (#1510)

[docs-tests] [docs] Reftests require a link to the reference (#1574)

[docs-tests][test-infra] Make wptserve return 404 for {spec}/tools/* URLs. (#1491)

[docs-tests][test-infra][workers-tests] Add support for standalone workers tests. (#1511)

[dom-tests] Fix bugs in the matches() test. (#1577)

[dom-tests] Improve the Node#removeChild test. (#1504)

[dom-tests] likely use of non-standard HTMLCollection.item(String) (#1264)

[dom-tests] Move the Element#matches test into place. (#1560)

[dom-tests] remove test that is supported neither by spec nor by implementations (#808)

[dom-tests] Submit tests for ParentNode.{query,queryAll}. (#1562)

[dom-tests] wrong expected namespace for XML elements (#1479)

[dom-tests][html-tests] Update DOM and HTML tests for DOMError removal. (#1495)

[dom-tests][html-tests] Update DOM IDLs. (#1594)

[dom-tests][selectors-api-tests] Move the remainder of level2-lib.js into ParentNode-querySelector-All.js. (#1555)

[dom-tests][test-infra] Remove trailing whitespace and tabs from dom and enable the lint. (#1543)

[dom-tests][test-infra] wrong expected namespace for XML elements (#1479)

[DOMEvents-tests][dom-tests] Move Event.bubbles.false.html to dom/ and clean it up. (#1500)

[encoding-tests] Encodings: Use shared tables in single-byte-decoder tests (#1588)

[encoding-tests] Import Encoding Standard API tests from Chromium/Blink (#1530)

[encoding-tests] Inexorabletash/encoding api (#1523)

[eventsource-tests][progress-events-tests][test-infra][url-tests][webmessaging-tests][websockets-tests][webstorage-tests][workers-tests] Cleanup a few test series (#1554)

[FileAPI-tests] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add some test cases (#282)

[FileAPI-tests] Add equivalent coverage for Opera's FileReader tests. (#1596)

[FileAPI-tests] Add test for FileReader multiple reads. (#1551)

[FileAPI-tests] Add tests for FileReaderSync. (#1521)

[FileAPI-tests] Cleanup whitespace in FileAPI tests. (#1534)

[FileAPI-tests] Follow the current file name guidelines for manual tests. (#1539)

[FileAPI-tests] Only get the FileList once. (#1598)

[FileAPI-tests] Progress events test for File API (#1565)

[FileAPI-tests] Restructure the File API tests to match the specification. (#1520)

[FileAPI-tests] Some more FileReader tests. (#1535)

[FileAPI-tests] Test a FileList object in the automated idlharness test. (#1601)

[FileAPI-tests] Update specification URLs for FileAPI. (#1592)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add more tests for FileReaderSync (#1093)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] [ttfw shanghai 2013]Progress events test for File API (#294)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add test for FileReader Multiple Reads (#288)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add test cases for FileReader States. (#287)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][test-assets] [ttwf shanghai 2013]FileAPI URL tests added. (#293)

[FileAPI-tests][test-infra] Remove trailing whitespace from FileAPI and enable the lint. (#1541)

[hr-time-tests][navigation-timing-tests][page-visibility-tests][test-infra][user-timing-tests] Removed trailing whitespaces and tabs. (#1542)

[html-tests] "The canceled activation steps consist of setting the element's checkedness to false." needs to also revert the checkedness state of other radio buttons that were affected. (#994)

[html-tests] Add 3 test cases and 3 reference files for html (#1507)

[html-tests] Add 4 tests for HTML sandboxing (5.4) (#187)

[html-tests] Add a test for HTMLTableRowElement.sectionRowIndex. (#1581)

[html-tests] Add HTMLCollection tests. (#1563)

[html-tests] Add reference tests for figcaption element, figure element and mark element (#1507)

[html-tests] Add sectioning tests. (#1538)

[html-tests] Add tests for img environment changes (#1290)

[html-tests] add arguments test (#875)

[html-tests] Add arguments test. (#1591)

[html-tests] Address review comments for #567. (#1558)

[html-tests] build the reference date string by hand using the appropriate components... (#1600)

[html-tests] Change multiple refs in a file into a chain of references. (#1573)

[html-tests] Fix last modified test to be more correct and stable. (#1512)

[html-tests] Make navigator.taintEnabled optional (#1590)

[html-tests] Move the history and location tests into place (#1597)

[html-tests] Update test size.attributes.parse.whitespace.html (#1599)

[html-tests][old-tests] Move the history and location tests into place (#1597)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add section tests (#18)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Adding Test from TtWF (#76)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Adding tests for data-* attributes (#569)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] new test for semantics tabular-data tr.sectionRowIndex (#390)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Tests for disabled elements (#567)

[html-tests][workers-tests] Navigator tests. (#1584)

[IndexedDB-tests] Add worker idlharness test for Indexed DB (#1580)

[js-tests] Add test case for Object.prototype.freeze. (#1255)

[js-tests] Add test case for Object.prototype.preventExtensions. (#1252)

[js-tests] Add test case for Object.prototype.seal. (#1254)

[js-tests] Confirm Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty doesn't trace prototype chain. (#1253)

[js-tests] Require configurable length on WeakMap functions per ES6 (fixes #1316). (#1499)

[media-source-tests] A unit test for reading SourceBuffer#buffered attribute (#903)

[media-source-tests] Added unit tests for SourceBufferList Object API (#912)

[media-source-tests] Unit test for 'Detaching from a media element' algorithm of MediaSource Object (#960)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for getting and setting SourceBuffer#appendWindowStart attribute (#904)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for getting and setting SourceBuffer#mode in Media Source Extensions (#936)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#appendBuffer(data) (#850)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#remove(start, end) (#902)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests to check 'Duration change' algorithm of MediaSource Object (#963)

[media-source-tests] Update MediaSource tests with new cases from Blink. (#1238)

[mediacapture-streams-tests] Fix error name 'PermissionDeniedError' (#1466)

[quirks-mode-tests] Add more tests for :active/:hover quirk (#1525)

[quirks-mode-tests] Add outline-style to #ref to fix expected value of outline-width (#1502)

[quirks-mode-tests] Properly preload img with data: URL in quirks mode tests (#1529)

[resource-timing-tests] Make resource timing test more debuggable and more robust to timing diff... (#1513)

[resource-timing-tests] resource-timing test fails for .xml file (#1258)

[resource-timing-tests] resource-timing test includes timestamps in error message (#1267)

[selectors-api-tests] Update find/findAll tests to use query/queryAll instead. (#1561)

[selectors-api-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Submission/selectors opera (#48)

[shadow-dom-tests] event.path should include Window object as per W3C bug 21066 (#1524)

[stale-awaiting-review-tests][web-animations-tests] Pull request for Animation timeline tests (#995)

[stale-awaiting-review-tests][websockets-tests] Boundary-value test for 'Extended payload length' field (#1056)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][web-animations-tests] AnimationTimeline and AnimationPlayer tests (#1032)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][web-animations-tests] Submission/unipro web animations 05 (#1125)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][web-animations-tests] tests for AnimationPlayer (#1060)

[subresource-integrity-tests] Renamed subresource-integrity/support to "tools". (#1493)

[test-infra] Add a Gitter chat badge to (#1546)

[test-infra] Added button/link to #testing channel. (#1550)

[test-infra] Can't generate manifest file with steps as proposed (#544)

[test-infra] Compact runner UI & add manifest update animation. (#1501)

[test-infra] Fix --ignore-local option. (#1515)

[test-infra] Fix signature of NoSSLEnvironment. (#1593)

[test-infra] Lint whitelist SRI PRINTs. (#1492)

[test-infra] Make run with Python 3 as well as Python 2. (#1519)

[test-infra] Refined the intro paragraph. (#1552)

[test-infra] Renamed whitelist entry for SRI script. (#1494)

[test-infra] Whitelist fonts from linting. (#1568)

[test-infra] Whitelist whitespace lint violations less aggressively. (#1540)

[test-infra][url-tests] Remove tabs from url/. (#1566)

[test-infra][vibration-tests] Remove a tab from vibration/. (#1567)

[test-infra][webmessaging-tests] Cleanup webmessaging. (#1553)

[test-infra][websockets-tests][webstorage-tests][workers-tests] Cleanup sockets and workers (#1556)

[test-infra][workers-tests] Add an idlharness test for workers. (#1517)

[test-infra][workers-tests] Add support for standalone workers tests. (#1099)

[test-infra][workers-tests] Add support for standalone workers tests. (#1511)

[web-animations-tests] Tests for AnimationTimeline interface (#1450)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add a test for crypto.getRandomValues(). (#1522)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add a test for passing float typed arrays to getRandomValues. (#1526)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add test for window.crypto.getRandomValues() (#868)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests][difficulty:easy-tests] Add more extensive tests for crypto.getRandomValues(). (#1527)

[WebIDL-tests] Import a test for the DOMException constructor. (#1497)

[WebIDL-tests] Replace tabs by spaces in exceptions.html. (#1508)

[WebIDL-tests] Test the constants on the DOMException prototype object. (#1503)

[WebIDL-tests][dom-tests] Exceptions (#1496)

[WebIDL-tests][dom-tests][html-tests] Update DOMException tests. (#1583)

[WebIDL-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Submission/webidl w3c (#59)

[websockets-tests] Added a boundary-value test for 'Extended payload length' field in RFC6455 'Base Framing Protocol'. (#1557)

[websockets-tests] Correct a path. (#1575)

[webstorage-tests] Mark Window as a global in webstorage/idlharness.html. (#1589)

[webstorage-tests] Remove broken WebStorage security test. (#1587)

[webstorage-tests] Update tests for Webstorage spec update (#1578)

[workers-tests] fix racy test, r=jgraham. (#1536)

[workers-tests] Make the test for unexpected interface objects to a standalone worker test. (#1516)

[workers-tests] Remove WorkerGlobalScope_XMLHttpRequest.htm. (#1544)

[workers-tests] Rewrite EventListener.js. (#1548)

[workers-tests] Rewrite WorkerGlobalScope_nested_Worker.htm. (#1549)

[workers-tests] Turn onmessage.html into a standalone worker test. (#1533)

[workers-tests] Turn return-value.html into a standalone worker test. (#1532)

[workers-tests] Update and expand the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.onmessage test. (#1545)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] adding test for calling open() to terminate the abort() algorithm (#1294)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Consolidate withCredentials tests and run them in workers. (#1564)

Add 3 test cases and 3 reference files for html (#1507)

Add 304 tests for CORS (#1400)

Add a test of basic CSS value serialization roundtripping behaviour. (#1427)

Add an idlharness test for workers. (#1517)

Add HTMLCollection tests. (#1563)

Add support for standalone workers tests. (#1511)

Add test for FileReader multiple reads. (#1551)

Add tests for FileReaderSync. (#1521)

Add tests for img environment changes (#1290)

Add arguments test. (#1591)

Add worker idlharness test for Indexed DB (#1580)

audio_has_no_subtitles times out if the UA considers the media has no renderable tracks (#1380)

cc Moved some scripts up into safe tools dir. (#1498)

Cleanup sockets and workers (#1556)

Correct a path. (#1575)

event.path should include Window object as per W3C bug 21066 (#1524)

Exceptions (#1496)

Fix bugs in the matches() test. (#1577)

Fix last modified test to be more correct and stable. (#1512)

Fix reftests missing rel=match (#1572)

hasAttribute/getAttribute confusion (#1484)

Import a test for the DOMException constructor. (#1497)

Import Encoding Standard API tests from Chromium/Blink (#1530)

Inexorabletash/encoding api (#1523)

MediaElementAudioSource interface test (to scriptProcessor): javascript missing arguments (#1429)

Move Event.bubbles.false.html to dom/ and clean it up. (#1500)

Move the history and location tests into place (#1597)

Navigator tests. (#1584)

new tests for generic functionality and script-src directive from Nov14 (#1459)

Only get the FileList once. (#1598)

Progress events test for File API (#1565)

Restructure the File API tests to match the specification. (#1520)

Rewrite EventListener.js. (#1548)

Rewrite WorkerGlobalScope_nested_Worker.htm. (#1549)

Support running tests with SSL. (#1302)

Test runner has no progress on updating and loading test manifest (#1372)

Tests for AnimationTimeline interface (#1450)

Update DOMException tests. (#1583)

Update manifest to support reftest chains. (#1576)

Update tests for Battery Status API (#1488)

Update tests for Webstorage spec update (#1578)

Web Platform Tests should support HTTPS. (#1483)

Last message date: Saturday, 31 January 2015 12:38:10 UTC