WebPerfWG - next call?

Hey folks,

On the last call we realized that the scheduled date for the next call is
October 31st, which is Halloween, but we didn't have time to schedule an
alternative time.

So, here's a doodle link <https://doodle.com/poll/89rg5nixghcqau25> to
determine the next slot which would work best for y'all. Please fill out
the slots that work for you by EOD tomorrow, so I can schedule the call

On the agenda so far for the next call
is a mix of design questions around Long Tasks and the buffered flag, as
well as a couple of requestIdleCallback issues we didn't get to on the last
call. Feel free to add more subjects for discussion, if you have any.

Cheers :)

Received on Monday, 28 October 2019 20:56:59 UTC