[F2F, 06/20/17]: info & tentative agenda

Hey everyone.

We have a group of folks converging on the 20th (next Tuesday) to talk perf

   - *Time:* June 20th, 9:00AM ~ 4:30PM
   - *Location:* Akamai Technologies, 3355 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054

I took an initial run of organizing proposed topics into a schedule for the

PTAL at the doc. Anything missing? Are we allocating enough time to the
topics? Preferences for order in which we tackle the topics? Please chime
in the doc or on this thread.. nothing is frozen in stone.


p.s. looking forward to seeing everyone next week!
p.p.s. thank you to Akamai for hosting the f2f!

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 01:06:39 UTC