Resource Timing Level 1 and beyond

Following last week discussion, I added "Level 1" to Resource Timing 
with the following:
This specification is ready for wide review, with the following features 
at risk for the first release:

*    Dependency with Performance Timeline 2, since performance observers 
are lacking implementations;

*    Dependency with High Resolution Time 2 and workers support, 
including workerStart, since we're still refining time origin;

*    nextHopProtocol, transferSize, encodedBodySize, and 
decodedBodySize, since we're currently lacking implementations.

I also labeled the issues with V1 and V2:

Imho, the issue that affects the most implementations at the moment is

I'm proposing that we don't solve it for V1 but keep flagging it as an 
issue in the spec for Web developers to be aware of.

If we're ok with this, plan is to move a Level 1 version of the spec 
without the feature at risk and publish at the same time a Level 2 of 
spec as normal. Level 1 shouldn't impact editors, ongoing issues, or 
pull requests. The branch gh-pages will continue to hold and will continue to reflect it as a 
Working Draft. In other words, Level 1 is and should remain a side 
artifact. We do however have enough implementations of Level 1 to ship 
to Recommendation within 3/4 months.


Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 14:52:56 UTC